About Us

Though we are just starting to launch our platform we are very excited about what we are able to do of late. Knowing that in Construction, in Trucking and in most industries. Location is so important with regard to sourcing materials and equipment. Finally we have Location Map which is exclusive to our needs.

Our Journey

Best job I ever had was restoring a 16th Century Cottage in Northamptonshire England. Back in my student days, I really enjoyed being outdoors having a laugh with people who really knew their stuff. As a Tender for Stone Masons, my job was to get the "Mud" from the Mixer to the Masons. Turns out I did pretty well. It's always been on my mind how amazing the process is and how wonderful the people are. 

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Working in construction and around builders has been a second job for me throughout my career. Always learning - never an expert!

Fast forward to 2024. We have tried cementmixer.com in several online adaptations over the years - From early Open Source Shopping Carts until Shopify. What we have learned, is that, in addition to being a store, we receive queries from people who want to work with us and promote at a distributor level. People reach out to us asking for help in finding solutions for their needs. Hence, we could see the use case for additional services.

The platform that now is:  Incorporates all of these past experiences and embodies them into an exchange where Shopping is possible in a Marketplace Setting. Distributors, Manufactures and Services are able to Promote their Offerings - Locally and everywhere. 

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Drawing from experience within the Construction Industry, Oilfield Trucking, Military, Farming and Commercial Cleaning. Our Investor Partners are well rounded and prepared to troubleshoot big Logistical Challenges. We are however, never too busy, to take our focus away from whats important in life! 

Artesi8 Inc,is our main Seattle hub. Our partners also work from Delhi and Dehradun India. We operate comfortably in most Time Zones. Pioneering in this space, everyone has more than one role to play. We are drawn from Microsoft Experience since the 90s and have considerable talent from other Tech. Loving what we do to build the network effect.